KSL Pulse Scientific is proud to offer the ability to order products online from our store at shop.pulsescientific.com.
You may now purchase a wide variety of tests and testing supplies online, with more products to be added in the future. You may also order currently offered products from our main website.
Canadian customers may now shop online for:
Serology Tests - Including ASO, RF, IM, CRP, RPR, S. aureus, and Strep Tests
Rapid Tests - Including Adeno-Rota Virus Combo , H. pylori Antigen, and Pregnancy Tests
Microbiology Disc Tests and Supplies
Immunodiffusion Antigens, Controls, and Plates
Febrile Antigen / Widal Antigen Suspensions and Controls
In order to shop online, you will first need to create an account
Once your account is created and approved, you will receive an email prompting you to set up your username and password to begin shopping online.
Missing email notifications? Check your spam folder.
Contact us at this email for support.
We hope you enjoy the convenience of shopping with KSL Pulse Scientific online.