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CompactDry Plates


A variety of organism-specific and total count tests, packaged up nicely in a sophisticated and sturdy cassette.
The benefits are easy to spot.


Rigid Transparent Cassette with  Removable Lid

Keep your colonies intact with space between the media and lid. Easily remove the plastic lid for quick inoculation. Count your colored colonies clearly through the gridded back surface of the cassette.


Self-Diffusing Media

1ml sample dropped in the middle of the plate turns the dry media to gel that diffuses evenly and automatically on the plate. No need for a spreader, no need for an extra step.


Designed to Stack


Save precious incubator space with a product that is designed to stack
in the incubator with low risk of contamination.




Keep storage simple with plates that come with long shelf lives and can be stored long term at room temperature.


Aspergillus has four main species of concern: A. niger, A. flavus, A. terreus, and A. fumigatus. Many state regulations require testing for Aspergillus but only a few require speciation of the “Big Four.”

Hardy Catalog # W89  |  ATCC 16404


Pathogens of Concern in Cannabis

CompactDry offers 8 different media specific to the following organisms:

CompactDry™ Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is a ready-to-use test method recommended for the enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in foods, beverages, water, cannabis, and more. CompactDry™ PA is suitable for testing a broad range of water types for human consumption or other related industries.


25 packages of 4 plates  |  PA100

CompactDry PA

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

CompactDry™ TCR is a method recommended for the determination of total aerobic bacterial counts. Plates are AOAC PTM 082201 validated and is measurable after only 24 hours of incubation.


240/pk  |  54088

CompactDry TCR

Total Count Rapid (TCR) for aerobic colony counts

For the isolation and enumeration of yeast and mold. Yeast colonies will appear blue, and molds will form cottony colonies with characteristic colors. Incubation time: 3-5 days.


240/pk  |  54083

CompactDry YM

Yeast and Mold

For the isolation and enumeration of yeast and mold. Yeast colonies will appear blue, and molds will form cottony colonies with characteristic colors. Incubation time: 48-72 hrs.


240/pk  |  54084

CompactDry YMR

Yeast and Mold Rapid

For the selective growth, enumeration, and differentiation of Staphylococcus aureus. Growing colonies will appear light blue to blue.


240/pk  |  54086

CompactDry XSA

Staphylococcus aureus

For the isolation and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae that will appear red in color. 


100/pk  |  ETB100

CompactDry ETB


For the isolation and enumeration of coliforms and E. coli. Coliform colonies will appear red, and E. coli colonies will appear blue.



240/pk  |  54082

CompactDry EC

E. coli and Coliforms

For total aerobic viable bacterial count. Growing colonies will appear red.


240/pk  |  54081

CompactDry TC

Total Count

For the presumptive identification of Salmonella spp. Growing colonies will appear green or blue-green with black centers.



240/pk  |  54085

CompactDry SL


For the selective growth, presumptive identification, and enumeration of Listeria spp. Growing colonies will appear blue.


100/pk  |  LS100

CompactDry LS


5100 South Service Road, Unit 18
Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7L 6A5

(800) 363-7907  Toll-Free

(905) 333-8188  Telephone
(905) 333-0500  Fax

©KSL Biomedical Canada, Inc.

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Microbiologics® Trademarks: Epower™, Epower™ CRM, EZ-Accu Shot™, EZ-Accu Shot™ Select, EZ-Accu Shot™ Starved Cells, EZ-CFU™, EZ-CFU™ One Step, EZ-PEC™, EZ-SPORE™, Helix Elite™, KWIK-STIK™, KWIK-STIK™ Plus, Lab-Elite™ CRM, LYFO DISK™, UV-BioTAG™ are trademarks of Microbiologics, Inc. Microbiologics® and LYFO DISK® are registered trademarks of Microbiologics, Inc.


The ATCC Licensed Derivative Emblem, the ATCC Licensed Derivative word mark and the ATCC catalog marks are trademarks of ATCC. Microbiologics, Inc. is licensed to use these trademarks and to sell products derived from ATCC® cultures. Look for the ATCC Licensed Derivative® Emblem for products derived from ATCC® cultures.

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